Steer clear of the miserable and foolish

We know life can be challenging, and it's natural to want to lend a helping hand to those who are struggling. However, it's important to recognize that associating too closely with unhappy or unlucky people can have a profound impact on your own well-being and success.

Instead, we gently encourage you to seek out those who are happy, successful, and radiating positive energy. By surrounding yourself with people who have a growth mindset, you'll find that their energy and accomplishments are likely to inspire and uplift you. Their positivity can be truly contagious, helping you to overcome challenges and reach new heights.

Of course, this doesn't mean you should completely abandon those who are struggling. The harsh reality for some is that their negative energy and mindset can end up dragging you down emotionally. Worse still, there's even the risk of their "bad luck" rubbing off on you. But it's important to recognize the signs of those who might bring you down and to distance yourself. This act of self-preservation is not about selfishness – it's about maintaining the kind of environment that will allow you to thrive.

There was a friend of mine who I tried to help. However, his only obsession was playing video games on his PC; he had no desire to work or pursue goals. His unwillingness to do anything but play video games persisted despite my best attempts, which made our friendship dynamic difficult. I ultimately tried to assist him, but he pulled me down instead

Remember, you have the power to choose your circle of influence. By being intentional about the people you spend time with, you can cultivate a life filled with joy, success, and fulfillment.